
Winfax pro hardware requirements
Winfax pro hardware requirements

winfax pro hardware requirements

When software has been loaded previously, drivers are stored in the driver database without you knowing so this can be distracting. Just because the thing may not function do not attempt to load the sofware until you are sure it has not been automatically loaded from a stored previous attempt. If it does this, enter the control panel and check the devices entry against what you would expect to see according to your instructions that came with the modem.


So shutting everything down and rebooting with the modem properly connected and turned on should cause the found new hardware thing to happen, this will likely install a driver (possibly the correct one) if the sofware has previously been loaded. If you have no Modems item showing at all, then hopefully this will indicate that no modem software is loaded, remembering that the Windows driver database will most likely have generic modem drivers in it. (Sometimes previous modem info clouds the issue) If you don't see any modems entry with your particular modem listed and you are not using a modem on that machine you can follow the deleting procedure. If you are only using one mdem highlight any entries there and delete each one, this will eventually remove the entire Modems entry from that devices list. Open that applet if is present and it sometime happens that multiple installs happen which messes things up. You should find a screen where all the devices are listed with the drives at the top, moving down takes you past the graphics adapter and somewhere below that you will likely see a Modem if it is installed.

winfax pro hardware requirements winfax pro hardware requirements

Click to expand.G'day, that is odd, have a look in your control panel devices page (I am sorry I have forgotten the route to get there and I don't have a WXP machine handy)

Winfax pro hardware requirements